Righting the American Dream: A Review of Diane Winston's Latest Book

You have probably heard it before. You will most likely hear it again. In fact, it’s almost so banal a “fact” that it’s become a truism: The media has a liberal bias. Some would even go so far as to say that the news media is a bastion of liberal ideology that does not reflect the diverse range of opinions held by most Americans. On social, cultural, and economic issues, it is believed, newswriters are partisans, prejudiced to the political left.

Using timely historical analysis, Diane Winston’s Righting the American Dream: How the Media Mainstreamed Reagan’s Evangelical Vision challenges the “myth of the liberal news media,” detailing how outlets across the United States “normalized and circulated Reagan’s religiously inflected neoliberalism”—what she calls his religious imaginary. This not only influenced what consumers thought about Reagan’s tenure and its era but, Winston argues, shaped policies that led to the increased “income inequality, militant unilateralism and intergroup conflict” (200) we continue to see today.

Your Favorite Stories from 2023

Each December, Religion News Association (RNA) members vote to select the Top Ten Religion Stories of the Year. This year, journalists on the religion beat chose the Israel-Hamas war and its reverberations as both the top international and domestic religion stories of the year.

No doubt, that is a story that will continue to dominate headlines for days — and months — to come.

Here on the Religion+Culture blog, you too cast your vote for the top stories of the year…even if you were not aware. Each year, I make a brief review of the stories that caught your attention here on KenChitwood.com. After crunching the numbers, I put together a Religion+Culture Top Ten, based on your clicks and views.

This year, you were tracking with some of the top stories around the world. But from time-to-time, you also chose to dig deeper into stories others might have missed. Good on you. From religious facial markings to Bible translation news, Hindu nationalism to religion at the Academy Awards, thanks for nerding out with me in the wide world of religion news.

Religion in your face

Ash Wednesday and the practice of religious facial markings

What Al-Aqsa means to Palestinians amidst continued conflict

A critical look at Luther Country

Many who come to "Luther Land” never get to delve deeply into the man's life. Maybe that should change.

What is Hindu nationalism and how is it impacting the U.S.?

Barely anyone reads the Bible in Germany

So why are Luther Bibles selling so well?

Church planting after the fall (of the Berlin Wall)

Three generations after East Germany rejected Christianity, a small group of prayerful believers see an opportunity.

What one man learned about religion visiting every country in the world

Does the world really need interreligious dialogu

Whether or not you like it, interreligious dialogue is impacting your life.

Religion at the 2023 Academy Awards

Movies are filled with religious themes this year. What might we have to learn about this thing we call “religion”by heading to the cinema?

[REVIEW] Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective

Edward Said's 1997 Covering Islam argued that negative public opinion about Muslims is significantly shaped by media representations.

Consciously echoing Said, Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen seek to quantitatively investigate Said’s more qualitative conclusions in Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective.

Whereas previous studies identified the media’s elevation of certain presuppositions and characterizations (x), Bleich and van der Veen test to what extent stories about Muslims actually are negative in comparison to average media coverage, both in general and with respect to other comparable religious groups. They also look at how the bulk of “resoundingly negative” stories about Islam can be accounted for and whether negative coverage of Islam and Muslims is a unique or enduring feature of the US media landscape.

In my latest review for Reading Religion from the American Academy of Religion, I provide an overview of the book and offer some reflections on how journalists might respond to the findings.

The 2015 Religion & Culture News Awards

At this time we are often antsy for the beginning of a New Year. We are filled with anticipation for the opportunities that the turn of a calendar page may bring. Too often, we do this to the neglect of the year that was, that which gave birth to the year to soon come in all its expectation. At the same time, we love our highlight reels looking back on the year about to end. 

In that spirit, these are the Second Annual Religion & Culture News Awards celebrating the best, and the worst, of religion news in 2015 submitted for your perusal. Enjoy and be sure to comment and share! 

*Read 2014's list, or explore 201320122011 or  2010’s lists.

Top Religion News Story

My colleagues in the Religion Newswriters Association voted for the top religion news story of 2015. By a narrow margin the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage in June took the top spot. However, from my perspective, the following news items -- taken together as a whole -- were the most powerful of the year: 

ISIS' expansion of their reign of horror beyond Syria and Iraq into Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, and France shook up fears of terror that were stoked by waves of migrants fleeing wartorn Syria. In the U.S. and Europe the twin spectres of terror and immigration awoke anti-Muslim rhetoric and calls for bans on Muslim migration. 

Unfortunately, these stories commanded the headlines in 2015. I wrote on these topics frequently. Too frequently in fact. Undoubtedly, these narratives will continue to dominate in the year to come. While I would hope such headlines would fade into the annals of history they will almost certainly remain relevant. The aim at KenChitwood.com is to provide as balanced, and thorough, a perspective as possible for you to learn, explore, and discern religion news stories throughout the world. 

Top 5 Books in Religion

American Qur’an by Sandow Birk

Having delved into Christianity with the Dante’s Divine Comedy series (Chronicle Books, 2006), artist Sandow Birk turned his attention to Islam in American Qur’an (Liveright, Nov.). In the book, one of PW's best books of 2015, Birk illustrates the Qur'an, using American life as the backdrop for the sacred writings—from the fields of Iowa to the beaches of Southern California. I had the opportunity to catch up with the graphic artist, who is not religious, to learn more about this nine-year project. READ MORE. 

Why I am a Salafi by Michael Muhammad Knight

Knight (The Taqwacores) invites readers into “the desert of the real Islam,” offering a deconstructionist take on Islamic texts, tradition, transmission, and theology and re-constructing what it means to be a Salafi in the 21st-century. READ THE REVIEW HERE.

One Nation Under Gods by Peter Manseau

Manseau takes on the stubborn myth that America is a “Christian nation” and re-constructs American history as a religiously pluralistic adventure. 

Salvation with a Smile by Phillip Luke Sinitierre

In Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity Phillip Luke Sinitiere — Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Sam Houston State University — courses the history, development, and manifestation of Lakewood's strengths and storm of debate surrounding it and placing its narrative firmly within the story of American Christianity in general. I had the opportunity to speak with him about the book, his research, and Lakewood's "salvation with a smile." READ MORE. 

American Apostles by Christine Heyrman

Through excerpts from missionary journals and evangelical periodicals, Heyrman uncovers early American evangelical encounters with the world of Islam surrounding the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 19th century in this fascinating study. READ THE REVIEW HERE. 

Honorable Mention: What is Islam? by the late Shahab Ahmed. The recently deceased scholar Ahmed (Ibn Tamiyya and His Times) offers a bold notion of what Islam is, one that stands in stark contrast to popular, traditionalist, and radical notions. Taking a cosmopolitan, far-reaching approach to millennia of Muslim history, poetry, music, science, philosophy, theology, and practice Ahmed reconceptualizes Islam as a hermeneutical engagement comfortable with the contradiction of its own diversity and immense variety. READ THE REVIEW HERE. 

Best Picture

Mad Max: Fury Road

In a war weary world facing the wraith of climate change and wrestling with big-man politics the world over, the film Mad Max: Fury Road came to stare us in the face with the worst of what we’ve become. Even so, it offered a vision of hope in the heart of the very worst — faith amidst the flames, tenacity trumping terror, hope in the depths of hell. 


Best New Religion

All hail Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption and blessings be upon its anointed Megareverend John Oliver. Yes, indeed, the host of Last Week Tonight on HBO, is now the head of a brand spankin' new religion. According to Brian Pellot of Religion News Service:  “The HBO satirist launched a tax-exempt church Sunday night to criticize the Internal Revenue Service’s hands-off approach to televangelist fraudsters who promise prosperity, at a price. ”

Oliver joins a long list of parody religions, "antibelief systems," and "authentic fakes" like Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Church of the Almighty Dollar, Disciples of the New Dawn, and the Discount House of Worship in registering a scathing satire of established religions in an effort to critique or call into question the proposed abuses, miscues, and false claims of religion. READ MORE HERE. 

Most Contentious Religious Event

The year’s biggest news story was also its most contentious as acts of terror coupled with fears of “the other” to throw gas on the fire of anti-Muslim rhetoric and Islamophobic sentiment. Political leaders pulled no punches in proposing blatantly xenophobic policies and the public provided fuel in popular support. As the year comes to a close there are headlines across the U.S. — from Texas to California, from Wisconsin to Florida — of molotov cocktails, graffiti, and arson attacks at mosques in the U.S. 

This is not the best of us. This is not in the spirit of religious freedom our nation was founded upon. We must continue to combat such bombastic religious illiteracy and hatred. It’s time for a ‘radical response’ to Islamophobia. 

Most Encouraging Religious Story

Even as hate seems to rule the headlines (on all sides), I had the pleasure of talking with Michal. She is doing inspiring peacemaking work with Christians and Muslims. She wrote of her calling, “I'm passionate about helping local churches effectively interact with the Muslim community around them; overcoming stereotypes/fears/misunderstandings, share faith and work together for the common good. I do this through my PhD research, the many grassroots events I organize with Muslims and Christians in California, and the documentaries I'm working on.” Her film “People of Peace” is an example and inspiration for us all. READ & WATCH MORE HERE. 

Funniest Religious Moment

Why so serious? Religion news is too often overwhelmed with severity and seriousness, writers and readers far too impressed with our mutual attempts to sound significant. Every once and a while, we need a good laugh. Here comes Jim Gaffigan to the rescue. 

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the Religion News Service about Jim Gaffigan’s take on Catholicism. READ THE ARTICLE and then go watch the clips. They are simply fantastic fun! 



Top Posts from KenChitwood.com 

These were the top posts in terms of traffic this year. Check ‘em out and revisit the year that was! 

1) Blogging like an Academic

2) An Open Letter to Kim Davis (Megan Geiger guest post)

3) Hip-Hop Hijabis, Mos Def, & Muslim Rap Music Culture

4) Will Cuba soon get its first mosque? 

5) A.D. and Movies as the New Global Cathedrals

ALSO POPULAR: My new video series “Things You Missed in Religion Class.”